NBA 2K23 How to Shoot & Best Shooting Badges : Space Creator Video
NBA2K23 Best Shooting Badges

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Go to NBA2KLab YouTubeHow do I use Space Creator in NBA2K23?
Video Transcript:
hey everyone this is Sam and welcome to
the 2K lab Channel today we're going to
talk about some of the best shooting
badges on NBA 2k23
so in this video we'll be talking about
the space Creator batch we're going to
show you per bash level exactly how much
of a make percentage boost you get we're
also going to show you the acceleration
and some of the best ways to use this
badge in-game in the park or in the rack
as you see fit so in regards to
activation this badge will pop if you do
a right stick step back jumper or a
sidestep jumper and sometimes it might
break your opponent's ankle but online
the chance isn't great but the key is
you will get separation and if you take
the shot with the right stick on the
step back you'll get a make percentage
boost so in terms of when the best to
use it early transition versus a
scrambling defense as you see here is
perfect here you can see our man spill
get to the mid-range and then he's using
space creator with the step back to get
from the mid-range to the free so this
is an excellent strategy and if you take
this shot not only does it give you the
separation you need you're also going to
get a shot boost so that's the best of
both worlds right now in the half course
setting it is also very effective off
catch and goes as you see here even in
free free you can catch Drive the
direction and do a side step or stamp
pack with the right stick and Trigger
space Creator now driving towards the
corner and then using a step back to pop
out two trigger space Creator is also a
very viable option as you can see in
these couple other possessions so all of
these are great shots with the badge now
in regards to the numbers you can see
here on the right this is Fame and then
on the left is no badge now both of
these shots actually release relatively
close to the green window but at the
hall of fame level it's actually going
to give you a way better make percentage
boost than no badge it is going to be
actually as high as around 35 percent
and in detail per batch level you can
see the jump from no batch to bronze is
not that significant but as you get up
to higher levels especially the silver
and gold the jump is quite significant
now we're talking about a close to 30
make percentage jump so gold is
definitely worth it if you can get to it
but as you can see with this batch at
the hall of fame level the Boost is
almost a straight line from the early
parts of the green window all the way to
the middle
this is a very good Hall of Fame badge
now granted once you get to the middle
and later in the window is not as great
as the earlier part but the Boost is
still very consistent for Hall of Fame
right so this is a great badge best bag
for your buck is going to be gold so in
the comment section we need your help
here we're gonna have two space Creator
shots if you like the one taken by mad
here you can put Matt in the comments
and this is Spill going from the
mid-range and popping back up so let us
know which space creates a shot do you
think it's better you can vote Matt or
spill in the comments and also in the
comment section let us know in general
how you feel about space Creator and if
you use this badge a lot we'll
definitely love to hear your feedback
and how you like to maximize it
initially we didn't think the numbers
are actually going to be that great but
this badge is actually very good
especially on Golden Hall of Fame so if
these are the kind of shots you like
definitely work on them they're gonna be
worth it with the badge on so as always
thanks for coming by I look forward to
speaking to you guys again very soon