How to Get Stamina, Rebirth & How to Change Body Type in NBA 2K25
How do I get Stamina stat in NBA 2k25?
In NBA 2K25 Stamina is earned through Gatorade Gym workouts.
- Everyone starts with 85 stamina.
- Gain 2 stamina per workout, regardless of results
- Max 4 workouts per week.
- Once you reach 99 stamina, it becomes permanent.
- Get at least 3 stars on all 4 weekly workouts to receive a temporary turbo meter boost and a Body Type.
- Complete all 12 unique workouts to unlock workout warriors which provides 99 Stamina, Permanent Turbo Meter Boost and Access to all body types across all saves.
How do I change my Body Type?
Complete all 12 unique workouts to unlock Workout Warriors and Unlock All Body Types.
What is Workout Warrior?
Workout warrior is the reward for completing 12 unique workouts. Workout Warrior unlocks 99 stamina, permanant turbo meter boost, and all body types for all your MyPlayers.
Here is a Link to a Reddit Post by /u/PayDBoardMan that makes a great point about Workout Warrior.
You DO NOT need to get 3 stars or more on the gatorade drill to unlock Workout Warrior. You only need to complete the drill. Completing all 12 drills will unlock Workout Warrior even if you complete them all with 1 star. Do not repeat drills to get 3 or 4 stars as this will just add weeks to the time before you get Workout Warrior.
How do I unlock Rebirth in NBA 2k25
For Rebirth, you can get the quest from Ronnie at anytime and once you hit 90 OVR it will automatically unlock rebirth. Your rebirth build will have a max overall of your highest MyPlayer. So if your previous build is a 99, your rebirth will be the same without having to grind your player from scratch.

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