Welcome to the NBA2KLab Jumper Recommendation Tools

Use either of the 2 tools below to get recommended a 2k24 jumpshot based on your position and rating OR based on your personal timing and build. As more jump shots are added to premium each week better recommendations for you are likely to surface.

Option 1: Get a Recommendation

This tool provides you with our recommendation for which jump shot you should be using based on your position and 3 point rating. These recommendations are likely to change as more jumpers are added to the database.

Option 2: Get a Jumper Based on Your Timing

The goal of this tool is to have you input 10 consistent X/Square button presses that you feel are a comfortable amount of time to hold the shoot button. You should be inputting the timing that feels natural and we will recommend a jumper that matches that.

To use this tool plug in your Xbox or Playstation controller to your computer via USB or connect your controller to your Mobile Phone or PC via Bluetooth. After connecting your controller and hitting a button or moving a stick the controller icon on this page should toggle on.

*Controller support not available on Safari browser. If you're on an iPhone use Chrome instead.