NBA 2K22 How to Shoot: Fast Jumpshot Speed is Key to Green S Video
How Shooting in NBA 2K22 Worked

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Video Transcript:
what is good everybody it's spill here back with another brand new nba 2k lab video man and this one here is pretty crucial with jump shot speeds being much faster than they were in 21 we headed over to the jump shot creator to check out the release speeds and their respective green windows needless to say very fast shots are back on the menu this year so if you guys are new to the channel we do these types of tests all the time do in-depth batch testing so if you're new to the channel man be sure to subscribe and let's get right into that video [Music] for starters this test was done on current and next gen and we tested every single green window for each release speed for the same jumper while the only variable that changed was the shot speed now everyone who's played 2k knows that faster shot speeds gives a huge advantage on the virtual core and even in real life but being able to get shots up quicker especially with the defender closing out will undoubtedly increase your chances of a make now even just a difference of 20 milliseconds can be the difference between an open shot or a lightly contested one defenders won't be able to contest this quickly which will give you more open shots and lower percentage contest now looking at the chart you can see the very quick option What jump shot speed should I be using? speeds up your shot by about 30 to 35 milliseconds over the quick option now this is a huge deal when every millisecond counts like i mentioned before and one thing to note is that if you do end up picking the very quick option max speed your green window will shrink by about five milliseconds but with how easy shooting is this year and how big the green windows are it really shouldn't be a big deal at all the Are slower shots better? slower shots like normal slow and very slow don't provide any benefit unlike in current gen 21 where slower shot speeds actually gave a higher make percentage on average while the very quick option saw nearly a 25 decrease in makes from the normal speeds now again that was on 2k21 current gen now for guards who can get the very quick option we absolutely recommend to use it and get used to the timing because it is extremely beneficial now if you're a player that just tends to spot up we still recommend very quick but i guess you can make an argument for quick if you only shoot when you're wide open if your player doesn't unlock the very quick option then using quick is of course the next Are shot speeds the same on current and next gen 2k22? best thing now the results for current and next gen were pretty much identical so this information goes for both gens now that's all for shot speed if this video happened to help you a simple like would be appreciated as always guys thank you for watching and i will catch y'all in the next one later